Phlebectomy is a minimally invasive (nonsurgical) procedure to remove varicose veins on the surface of the leg. Veins are very collapsible; even large veins can be removed using this technique. This is done here in Dr. Hemstreet’s office using a local anesthetic with patients rarely reporting any pain in regards to the procedure. The procedure requires little to no special preparation. Phlebectomy is highly successful with a 90% success rate when performed on patients considered good candidates for the procedure.
A small scalpel or needle is used make very small incisions near the varicose vein. A small phlebectomy hook is then used to remove the veins.
Inform your physician of any recent illnesses, medical conditions, or allergies. Also, inform your physician of all medications you are taking. Should your regular medication schedule require any alteration, youd will be informed of this by your physician/staff. Please leave your jewelry at home. We do ask that you wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing for this procedure; you may be asked to wear a gown.
Following the procedure, your leg will be wrapped in a comfortable, but snug compression wrap. You will be instructed to wear compression stockings for approximately two to three weeks. You should be able to resume your normal daily activities within 24 hours. Strenuous activities should be limited for approximately two weeks.
Pre-op Patient Information: Phlebectomy
Ambulatory Phlebectomy is performed on an outpatient basis and involves accessing and disrupting problem vein through tiny incisions in the skin. The vein will subsequently scar and will eventually disappear with blood then naturally diverted to other healthy veins in the legs.
Phlebectomy Procedure
You should purchase compression stockings and try them on to ensure proper fit prior to your appointment.
- Take any regular medications the day of the procedure.
- Fasting is not required, eat a normal breakfast or lunch.
- We will prescribe a muscle relaxer to keep the muscles in your leg loose and will also prescribe a pain medication.
Upon arriving in the office, you will be asked to change into exam shorts and photos will be taken of your leg. At this time, we will perform an ultrasound to recheck your leg. Following the ultrasound, your physician will mark your leg with a magic marker. We will then record your vital signs and place you on the table.
You will feel a small pinch as the local anesthetic is administered. A needle will then be used to make several micro-incisions in your leg, each approximately 1 mm in length. A small hook will then be inserted into the micro-incision, and a section of the faulty vein will be removed. You should experience little or no discomfort. Your leg will then be wrapped with a bandage, which will be left on for 24 hours; no stitches are necessary. Depending on the scope of treatment, the appointment may take 1 to 3 hours.
Please follow your Post-op Information – should you have any questions or concerns following your procedure, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 205-561-2370.
Discharge Instructions after Phlebectomy
You will be discharged with a sterile dressing covered by one or two ace wraps to the affected limb.
Elevate your legs above the level of your heart as much as possible when resting/reclining and at least 20 - 30 minutes three times per day.
The day after surgery you may remove the dressing on your affected extremity. Remove all dressings down to the skin, leaving the steristrips in place for seven days – remove after saturating with water first then rewrap with stockinette and then ace wrap from the bottom to the top for 3 days.
There may be a small amount of old blood or clear/beige/yellow discharge from the incisions. This is normal for the first couple of days. If you should develop a fever, notice red streaking going up the affected leg, have a significant increase in pain, or drainage that looks like pus from any of the incisions, call 205-561-2370.
Take antibiotic until gone – Keflex 500 mgs twice daily with food.